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Motörhead Kiss Of Death

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Under The Gun
God Was Never On Your Side
Living In The Past
Sword Of Glory
Be My Baby
Kingdom Of The Worm
Going Down


2006, Lemmy Kilmister is a truth fanatic. He detests lies and hates it even more when the press do injustice to him and his mission. But Lemmy also has a sense of humour, and a disarming one at that. He loves to take the mickey out of all those who are totally off the mark with their stories. An example? A satirical magazine in Ireland recently claimed that Lemmy had tied a groupie to his sofa for three days of sex and bondage games. The rock icon from Wales was outraged by this claim and asked his lawyer to set the record straight: "It wasn't six days, and she wasn't tied to the sofa. It was seven days, and she was hanging from the ceiling."
So anybody wanting to pick an argument with Lemmy had better prepare themselves for the worst. At the same time, he has always been a reliable partner and loyal friend to his band mates, Mikkey Dee (drums) and Phil Campbell (guitar). Lemmy, Dee and Campbell are Motörhead, the most authentic and charismatic rock'n'roll act worldwide. The group have been on a never-ending high for years and are about to prove with their new album, due out this summer, that no other band forge their rock as raw and unpolished as Motörhead do.
In 2006, Motörhead's musical world continues to consist of spirited rock riffs, cutting guitar solos, thundering drum grooves and the raw voice of the band's figurehead, Lemmy. "That's how it has always worked with us. Those who know Motörhead know what to expect," Lemmy admits. The sexagenarian doesn't like to talk about his music, he just makes it. Not in a calculating manner, not with any particular aim, but simply because he can't help it. Mind you, Motörhead don't need a lot to create their very own sound. Their equipment, a studio, a few microphones, and the air is set on fire. With the added bonus of producer Carmon Webb in the director's chair, the result is bound to be amazing. That's the way it was on their 2004 release, Inferno, and that's how it will be this summer. So let's all look forward to an album that will present Motörhead at the zenith of their creativity - in the 31st year of their existence! Kiss of Death!!!
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