2017, Dream Evil has always been a labour of love for the experienced quintet, and SIX continues their tradition in the pursuit of creating pure heavy metal. The seven year gap since IN THE NIGHT came down to everyone in the band having busy lives outside of making music. And once all the pieces were in place, there was no auto-tune, no 400-piece symphonic orchestra and no bullshitt required to bring the band's new treasure trove of metal dreams alive. From the stomping crush of opening tracks and first singles ,,Dream Evil" and ,,Antidote", through the feel-good pieces ,,Sin City" and ,,Six Hundred And 66", the pounding ,,Creature Of The Night", the shred-heavy ,,How To Start A War" and ,,Too Loud", up to the traditional closing anthem ,,We Are Forever", SIX is exactly what Dream Evil fans want. The furthest thing from rocket science as balls-out metal should be, SIX is dedicated to the pursuit of headbanging, air guitar mastery and singing along at the top of your lungs.