The story of Heimdall began in 1994, when Fabio Calluori (guitar) and Nicolas Calluori (drums) decided to form a heavy metal band. After some line-up changes, bassist Giovanni Canu, guitarist Carmelo Claps and vocalist Claudio Gallo joined Heimdall, who started an intense live activity and released their debut album "Lord Of The Sky" in 1998. Live shows with Sentenced, Labyrinth, 69 Eyes, Domine and Athena followed.
25 years later, after some more line-up changes, numerous headline shows, a tour with Shaman and another four highly acclaimed studio albums, HEIMDALL now return with their sixth album in total "Hephaestus" and a new record deal with the German label Pride & Joy Music!
The group started composing the new songs already in 2018 and entered Sonic Temple Studio in 2020 to record "Hephaestus". Today the group consists of guitarist Fabio Calluori, vocalist Gandolfo Ferro, lead guitarist Carmelo Claps, drummer Nicolas Calluori and bassist France Amoroso, who joined HEIMDALL earlier this year.
Glory to you...the Lord is back!
Lineup: Fabio Calluori - guitars, Gandolf Ferro - vocals, Carmelo Claps - lead guitars, Nicolas Calluori - drums, Franco Amoroso - bass.
Discography: Lord of the Sky (1998), The Temple of Theil (1999), The Almighty (2002) Hard As Iron (2004), Aeneid (2013), Hephaestus (2023)